Ammam Stock Exchange

Located in the country's capital city, the Amman Stock Exchange plays an integral role in the economy of Jordan. Jordan has been a bastion of free enterprise from its very birth as an independent country, and it is seen as an oasis of liberal secularism and is considered to be a worthwhile base for stock market operators with interests in the Middle East. Though Jordan does not have enormous oil reserves like its neighbors, it is a full member of the World Trade Organization, has a well managed economy, and a GDP growth rate of over 5% a year.

The Amman Stock Exchange was established in 1999, making it a relatively young organization. It has a professional structure, with comprehensive operating systems, learning from the experiences of other more established exchanges. International stock market players can utilize the Amman Stock Exchange with the knowledge that it is careful in meeting international investment and listing procedures. It is a member of regional and international stock market associations.

The local economy of Jordan is rapidly developing and is at a stage during which many enterprises need capital infusion. Therefore, the Amman Stock Exchange has a defined focus on helping new and small companies attract investor attention through good governance and compliance with exchange requirements. There are many attractive business opportunities amongst listed companies for global players who wish to expand their stock market portfolios.

The initiatives of the Amman stock market management appears to pay healthy dividends. Countries in the region, regardless of their political leanings, have increased their trading operations in Jordan by leaps and bounds. The future is brighter still, with opportunities from Asia, Europe, and from Africa as well, converging on the encouraging turf of Amman. The country’s domestic potential is also of interest, with attractive fiscal incentives and new industrial zones. This is a stock market which no one with interests in the Middle East can afford to ignore!

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