Why Private Investors Put Risk First in Building Stock Market Assets
Risk management is not new to the stock market, but it has become more popular with investors of late. One of the reasons could be that so much of our familiar business has moved to an emerging market such as China. Values of assets in an exotic market can swing wildly, as terms of trade and regulations vary so much in foreign countries.
Investors have also become wary of securities listed in the domestic stock market environment. Reports of sub-prime loans, and risky investments by insurers of even the safest municipal bonds, have set the market on edge. The media seems to uncover fresh shocking stock market and investment news every week! Even ratings agencies have come under a dark cloud as they seem to manipulate their recommendations in favor of their wealthy buddies.
It takes more time and effort than money to learn professional Risk Management. The key steps are to:
- List all possible risks both by probability and seriousness
- Take preventive steps against serious risks even if they appear unlikely
- Plan and rehearse contingency steps so that you can act quickly and decisively when danger signals first appear
Would you like to know more, or are you a Risk Management practitioner willing to share insights with our community? Everyone is welcome to participate at this web site. We can analyze sectors, industries, and individual stocks together, and help each other defend our stakes against undue or poorly managed risks. Join and start posting today!