Not all Pennies on the Stock Market are bad
Few if any of today’s stars and celebrities on any stock market, started as large, successful and famous entities. Humble beginnings, albeit in the forgotten past, are almost ubiquitous features of the current favorites of today’s investors. Who says that all pennies of the stock market are bad? Is anyone truly certain that today’s midget will not become a champion tomorrow? No one can deny that some securities with suspiciously low face values have turned out to be the bases of frauds, but are such thoughts not true of corporations with large stock market capitalizations as well?
Come to think of it, the behavior and actions of some of the best members of a stock market can be the most embarrassing, disgracing even the United States as a super power, in the process! The civilized guys who own this web site will not let me name names, but everyone who has even a casual interest in stock market matters, will have no doubts about the convicted criminals to who I allude! Bad intentions apart, organizations rise and fall because of unresponsive management teams. Champions are mortals and can make fatal mistakes, which cost innocent stock market quarters dear.
The quality of a business model matters more than anything else when assessing a new stock market investment opportunity. Let us not forget that the knowledge economy encourages scientists, professionals, and even academics to enter a stock market premises with their ideas. It would be unreasonable to expect them to come in with significant capitalization. Similarly, adequacy and appropriateness of resources, has much to do with ultimate and enduring organizational success. There should be no hesitation to back a penny stock if a stock market operator is enthused by the structure, systems, value proposition, and the people behind a new idea.
The meteoric rise of the Internet and of all micro-processor based enterprises seems to have affected the stock market thinking of the brick and mortar days. Many stock market elements seem to conveniently forget the vast swathes of failures, which came with tall capitalization promises! Perhaps a more involved and calculated investing approach to the stock market is better than populist and sweeping condemnation of all penny stocks.