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  • Algorithmic Trading – Driving Competitiveness to New Levels

    Ongoing developments in information technology have resulted in dramatic changes in the business environment of stock exchanges. An increase in algorithmic trading is seen as a driving force ...

  • Can We Have Some Competition Please?

    Many forms of electronic commerce would be rather unwieldy without it. Companies listed on the stock market do depend on Electronic Fund Transfer Systems (EFTS), but some small enterprises in ...

  • Executive Order 6102: Learning From History

    Back in 1933, on the 5th of April, US President Franklin D Roosevelt took an unprecedented step in order to prevent the Federal Reserve's gold holdings from being depleted. The order called ...

  • Stocks and Retirement Plans (Part 2)

    Stocks and Retirement Plans (Part 1) Keeping Track of How Your Stocks Fare Markets tend to move more rapidly than the old system of quarterly reporting is designed to monitor. Professional ...

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What to See

  • F

    Futures Contracts – Futures Contracts are a class of financial derivatives that oblige the purchaser to pay for a certain commodity or security at a set price on a specified settlement (or delivery) date. Futures Trading – Futures trading involves the buying and selling of forward contracts specifying the amount, type and delivery date of […]

  • Cadbury

    Cadbury became part of Kraft Foods on February 2, 2010.Brands do not find places on financial statements, which is a real irony! Some of the best listings on every stock market are of companies whose most valuable assets are their brands. Cadbury is such a company, and the corporate name is the most valuable of all! However, the company has made a series of judicious acquisitions over ...

  • P

    Program Trading – Program Trading is a practice by which computer programs are used to automate the purchase or sale of large blocks of stock when certain pre-set price points are reached. Popularly used by large hedge funds and arbitrage specialists, program trading has been blamed for causing the 1987 “Black Monday” stock market crash […]

  • T

    Tracking Error – Tracking Error is a term that refers to the difference between the value of an index fund at a certain point in time and the actual total value of the index fund’s component shares. Triple Witching Days – This frightening term refers to an event that occurs four times a year, on […]

  • B

    Balanced Funds – Balanced Funds are a type of Mutual Fund that seeks to provide a greater degree of security – and correspondingly less risk – than other kinds of mutual funds. Balanced Funds incorporate Bonds and other debt securities in their portfolios. The bond quotient tends to moderate any sudden decline in the fund’s […]

  • G

    Growth Funds – Growth Funds are aggressively managed Mutual Funds that are directed by the fund manager to invest in promising new companies and/or companies that appear to be poised for rapid growth. As there is an added risk quotient to growth funds, they are typically bought by younger investors as opposed to those nearing […]

  • M

    Mutual Funds – Mutual Funds are a popular form of collective investment, in that money invested by a large pool of investors is deployed by a dedicated Fund Manager towards purchasing a select group of stocks and/or other related securities. Mutual funds may have a wide or narrow focus as far as the stocks in […]

  • Ratios

    Business Management schools and courses in Finance may pay more obeisances to concepts of gearing, profitability, liquidity, and other information that ratios try to convey, than stock market players of today are willing to concede.
